Germany’s Economy and Strategic Location

Germany is a country with a rich history and a vibrant culture. It is also one of the strongest economies in the world, with a GDP of over 4 trillion USD, the 4th biggest economy globally. Germany is strategically located in the centre of Europe, making it an ideal place for businesses to establish themselves to serve the European market.

Large Population and Respected Companies

However, more than just the location makes Germany attractive for businesses. The country has much to offer, including a large population of over 83 million, which presents great business potential. German companies are highly respected all over Europe, which presents an opportunity to expand beyond Germany’s borders and reach over 447 million potential customers with just managing one company.

Highly Skilled Workforce

Another key advantage of doing business in Germany is the high level of education of the workforce. Germany’s well-developed education system prepares its students for the workforce and provides a solid foundation for their future careers. This means businesses can find highly skilled and educated workers, especially for complex products.

Focus on Growing Industries and Sustainability

In addition to these advantages, Germany strongly focuses on renewable energy sources and sustainable practices. It is an environmentally conscious country, reflected in its policies and practices. This makes it an attractive destination for businesses looking to establish themselves in a sustainable and eco-friendly environment. Another industry that is booming in Germany is real estate. In January 2023, there will be a significant increase in new living space, with 1.833 million square meters of new living space being built. The e-commerce industry is also growing rapidly, with a turnover of 97.4 billion Euros in 2022, representing a growth rate of 12.4%.

Low Unemployment and Strong Infrastructure

Germany is a country that boasts a thriving economy and attracts businesses from all over the world. One reason for this is its low unemployment rate, which is one of the lowest in the European Union. This means businesses looking to find talent should consider Germany a prime location. Furthermore, Germany has a highly developed infrastructure with world-class transportation systems, modern communication networks, and well-equipped ports. These factors all contribute to the attractiveness of Germany as a place for businesses to thrive and grow.

Stable and Reliable Political Environment

Finally, Germany has a stable and reliable government that has implemented business-friendly policies, making it easier for companies to establish themselves and operate efficiently. This stability and predictability give businesses the confidence to make long-term plans and investments.

In summary, Germany is an attractive destination for businesses looking to establish themselves in Europe, with a stable economy, highly skilled workforce, strong infrastructure, and a focus on sustainability. The country’s strategic location in the centre of Europe and its large and affluent population make it an ideal place to do business. The government’s pro-business policies and stable and reliable political environment give businesses the confidence they need to thrive.

German law for foreigners running a GmbH

Germany offers many advantages for foreign businesses and entrepreneurs. One of the key benefits is that foreigners have the same rights as German citizens. A foreigner can own property and run a business in the same way as a German person. This is in contrast to other countries, such as China or Thailand, where there may be restrictions on foreign ownership and investment. Additionally, Germany’s stable and reliable legal system gives businesses the confidence to operate efficiently. Overall, Germany is an attractive destination for foreign businesses and entrepreneurs looking to establish themselves in Europe, with a highly skilled workforce, strong infrastructure, focus on sustainability and giving the entrepreneur safety for his GmbH or UG.

There is a price for so many benefits

While Germany offers many business advantages, there are also some drawbacks. For example, Germany has the sixth highest company taxes in the world, which can be a significant expense for businesses. Additionally, much paperwork and monitoring are required, which can be time-consuming and burdens small businesses. Finally, the German legal system can be complicated to understand, especially for businesses that are new to the country. Despite these challenges, many businesses still choose to establish themselves in Germany due to the country’s many advantages.


  • Strong Economy
    With a GDP of over 4 trillion USD, which presents excellent business potential.

  • Strategic Location

    Germany’s central location in Europe makes it an ideal place for businesses.

  • Respected Companies
    With just one company all over Europe you can reach over 447M potential customers.

  • Highly Skilled Workforce
    Germany makes it easy for businesses to find highly skilled and educated workers.

  • Strong Infrastructure
    With one of the lowest unemployment rates in the EU and a highly developed infrastructure.
  • Focus on growing industries

    Germany offers a wide-range of booming industries and focuses on renewable energy sources.

  • Reliable political environment
    The stability and predictability give businesses the confidence to make long-term plans and investments.
  • Same rights for foreigners
    Allowing all people to own property and run a business like a German person.


  • High company taxes
    Germany has the sixth-highest company taxes globally, which can be a significant business expense.

  • Paperwork and monitoring
    Can be time-consuming and burdensome for small businesses.

  • Complicated legal system
    Complicated to understand, especially for businesses new to the country.

  • Bureaucracy
    Sometimes it’s slow and cumbersome, making it difficult to operate efficiently.

  • High labor costs
    Germany has some of the highest costs globally for workers.

  • Language barrier
    The official language is German, which can present a language barrier for non-German speakers.

  • Cultural differences
    Businesses may need to adapt to cultural differences to be successful.

  • Cost of living
    In ddition to high-taxation this may impact the cost of doing business.
ready-made company

start with a ready-made GmbH

Bypass bureaucracy by working with a company that has a VAT number and bank account.