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VAT Checker2024-02-01T14:24:36+00:00


Check VAT-Status and read our guide about the VAT checking procedure and details you should know about.

Use VIES-on-the-Web To Protect Your Business

If you’re a business owner or a trader operating within the European Union (EU), ensuring that your transactions comply with EU VAT regulations is crucial. One way to do this is by verifying the validity of a VAT number before entering into any transaction. A VAT number is a unique identification number assigned to each registered business within the EU for VAT purposes. It’s important to ensure that the VAT number is valid and belongs to the entity it claims belongs to avoid potential issues with tax authorities.

Fortunately, checking the validity of a VAT number is a straightforward process. The European Commission’s VAT Information Exchange System (VIES) provides an online tool that allows businesses and traders to verify the validity of a VAT number issued by any EU member state. The VIES tool can be accessed on the European Commission’s website and is available 24/7, making it a convenient and efficient way to verify the validity of a VAT number.

Step 1:
Input Your VAT Number and the VAT from the Company You Want to Check

Step 2:
Check the results

A green indicator shows that the number is active. In many countries, you will also get the company details which you should compare with your invoicing data. Currently, this feature only works for german companies. If the number is inactive, you will see it on the result page showing you that it is inactive or dont exist.

Step 3:
Print/ Save The Confirmation

Recording the VAT number verification for every transaction you make is important. This is especially important if you don’t charge VAT on your invoices. You can print out the result of the VAT number verification or save it as a PDF and attach it to the linked transactions/invoices. By this, you will prove that you have checked the validity of the VAT number, which can protect you from potential fines or claims from tax authorities paying the VAT for a non-VAT invoice.

Never forget, verifying the validity of a VAT number is crucial for businesses operating within the EU. By following these simple steps, you can easily check the validity of a VAT number on VIES-on-the-Web and ensure compliance with VAT regulations. Remember to record the result for every transaction to protect your business from potential issues with tax authorities.

frequently asked questions

about VAT

What is VAT?2023-03-30T14:30:31+00:00

VAT stands for Value Added Tax.

How does VAT work in Europe?2023-03-30T14:30:51+00:00

VAT is a consumption tax applied to goods and services in European countries. It is charged at each stage of the supply chain, from production to the point of sale. Businesses collect VAT from their customers and pay it to the government while reclaiming VAT on their purchases.

Do VAT rates vary across European countries?2023-03-30T14:32:00+00:00

Yes, VAT rates differ among European countries, with each country setting its standard rate, reduced rates, and exemptions. Standard rates typically range between 17% and 27%, and reduced rates apply to specific goods and services. Check this list for the current rates allover Europe.

What distinguishes standard and reduced VAT rates?2023-03-30T14:32:22+00:00

The standard VAT rate is the general rate applied to most goods and services, while reduced rates are lower rates applied to specific goods or services, such as food, medicines, and public transportation. Some items may be exempt from VAT altogether.

How does the VAT threshold affect small businesses?2023-03-30T14:32:54+00:00

The VAT threshold is a turnover limit set by each European country, above which businesses must register for VAT and charge VAT on their sales. Small businesses with a turnover below the threshold are not required to charge VAT, which can benefit their competitiveness. In Germany, this limit is set to 22.000€ turnover.

What is the Mini One Stop Shop (MOSS), and how does it impact VAT for digital services?2023-03-30T14:33:16+00:00

The MOSS is a simplified VAT registration and payment system for businesses providing digital services to consumers in the EU. It allows businesses to register and report VAT on digital services in a single member state rather than registering for VAT in each country where they have customers. You can find detailed information here.

How does VAT work for imports and exports outside the EU?2023-03-30T14:33:36+00:00

For imports, VAT is charged at the point of entry into the EU at the same rate as the destination country. For exports, goods are generally exempt from VAT when sold to customers outside the EU, but businesses may still need to account for VAT on related services, such as shipping.

Can businesses reclaim VAT on their expenses?2023-03-30T14:33:54+00:00

Businesses can generally reclaim VAT on business-related purchases, such as raw materials, equipment, and services. However, certain expenses, like entertainment or company cars, may limit VAT recovery. Proper documentation is essential to support VAT reclaims. Discussing VAT rules with your accountant, especially in Germany, is crucial.

Does the reverse charge mechanism apply to B2B transactions between companies in different EU countries?2023-03-30T14:34:14+00:00

The reverse charge mechanism applies to B2B transactions between companies in different EU countries, provided each company has a valid VAT number. Check our Guide for more details and to verify a number’s validity. The main purpose of the reverse charge mechanism is to ensure VAT compliance and proper reporting for cross-border B2B transactions within the EU while simplifying the process and avoiding the need for businesses to register for VAT in multiple countries.

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