The Importance of Unique Names and Avoiding Trademark Issues
Choosing a company name for your GmbH or UG in Germany is one of the first steps when forming a company. The name is the first impression your potential customers, investors and employees will have of your company. Therefore, choosing a memorable, unique, and relevant name to your business is important. However, choosing the right name can be challenging. In this article, we will discuss what you should consider when you decide on a name for your company formation in Germany.
Checking Your Company Name with the Unternehmensregister
Firstly, it is important to note that a company name for a GmbH or UG needs to be unique. The trade register, which is the official register for all commercial companies in Germany, will reject your proposed name if it is already taken. Therefore, it is essential to research and ensures that another company hasn’t yet registered your chosen name. This can be done using the Unternehmensregister, an online database that provides information about all registered companies in Germany.

Visit the Website here and enter the name you have chosen. Search for any results. If there are no results, then it means that the name is available for registration.

Checking For Trademarks With The Markenregister
Secondly, it is important to consider trademark laws. Trademarks are legal protections for names, logos, and symbols that identify the products or services of a company. Before deciding on a company name, it is important to check the trademark register to ensure you are not infringing on someone else’s trademark. The register includes all registered trademarks in Germany, including international trademarks that are valid in Germany. If a trademark is registered that is identical or similar to your proposed company name, it could lead to legal action, which can be costly and time-consuming. You can vist the DPMA here.

It is also important to note that trademark registration is separate from company registration. To register your trademark, consult a lawyer to ensure your trademark application meets all legal requirements. A pre-check of the proposed name can also be conducted before the name is registered to avoid potential conflicts. When choosing a name for your company formation in Germany, you should remember the name’s relevance to your business.
Consult a Lawyer or Do The Registration With Us
In conclusion, choosing a name for your company formation in Germany requires careful consideration. It is important to ensure that the name is unique, does not violate trademark laws, and is relevant to your business. Using the Unternehmensregister and trademark register and consulting with a lawyer if necessary, you can avoid potential legal issues and ensure your company name is memorable and recognizable. Therefore we offer our services especially to foreign clients because these mistakes can result in many stressful and costly avoidable problems by choosing the right experts to assist you in the company formation process.